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A Picnic - Foo May Sian (6H/2014)

It all begun with a fresh Sunday morning, the sun was shining brightly. May woke up early and helped her mother to prepare food and drinks for the picnic. After preparing, they put the food and drinks into the car’s boot. Then, they started their journey joyfully to the beach. 

Within half an hour, they reached their destination. They found a big shady tree and laid a mat. Her mother sat down and continued reading her magazine while her father enjoyed sunbathing under the warm sun. Meantime, her playful siblings were playing in the sea and splashed the sea water at May. 

They were as happy as a lark. Her brother built a beautiful sandcastle with seashells. Later, they ate the delicious food and drank some water. 

In the evening, they packed their things and went home. It was an enjoyable picnic for them.

A Picnic - Foo May Sian (6H/2014) Reviewed by SJKC Pui Ying, Klang on 03:29 Rating: 5



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